
We are dedicated to providing School Choice information to Minnesota parents so they can have the BEST educational outcomes for their children.

We believe that SCHOOL CHOICE is one of the most basic rights we have in this state. 

We believe the education dollars should follow the student, not fund a failing system.

We believe that Minnesota Parents have their child's best interest in mind. Not the Teachers Unions, or the State, which have failed students in our state for far too long. 




Oh My.

If there is EVER a reason to HOMESCHOOL your child in Minnesota, the 2021 Social Studies Benchmarks that was pushed during the WALZ administration might be the PUSH you needed to GET OUT.

It seems that the only thing Government Schools want, is to ensure all the tender minds they have control of, for hours every day, is turn out to be obedient, little drones.

Check these "Benchmarks" out starting on page 9 for KINDERGARTEN!

“Parental Rights End When You Send Your Kids to Public School” – New Mexico Attorney In Training Session to Teachers (VIDEO)

New Mexico official claims parents of public-school children have no parental rights. 

In a shocking undercover video released Tuesday, New Mexicans learned why attempts to get education officials to listen to concerns about critical race theory, transgender indoctrination, masking children, and school lockdowns have been such an uphill battle: New Mexico state officials have trained teachers and school boards that parents have no rights when it comes to their kids.

“Parental rights end when you decide to send your kids to public school,” claimed attorney, Andrew Sanchez (below), who conducted a recent training session for New Mexico teachers and school board members in Bernalillo County.

In his shocking diatribe, Sanchez also attacked religious freedom and the founding fathers and mocked parents. He claimed that the radical ideology taught in schools is “simply civic and patriotic values common to all Americans of equity, justice, and equal treatments. You’re supposed to be making Americans who at some point, later on, can decide what political affiliation they want.”

Sanchez then went on to imply that the ultimate reason schools must replace values children might be learning at home is they want them to vote appropriately when it comes time:

What you teach this generation that will soon be voting are going to be instrumental to the future of us as a democracy and as society goes forward.

It’s no wonder that New Mexico public education is ranked dead last in the nation. Watch the entire undercover video:

The post “Parental Rights End When You Send Your Kids to Public School” – New Mexico Attorney In Training Session to Teachers (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

The post “Parental Rights End When You Send Your Kids to Public School” – New Mexico Attorney In Training Session to Teachers (VIDEO) appeared first on Survive the News.

Click this link for the original source of this article.
Author: Survive the News


One of the best editorials regarding why the  teachers unions are so against School Choice can be found at this link:
